Perfint Healthcare
Perfint is an Indian medical device company that manufactures robotic positioning systems for Interventional Oncology. The company had been selling its robotic positioning system (PIGA) throughout Asia for several years and was planning to launch its next product in the United States. Tentatively called “Pyrobot,” the new product would provide interventional oncologists with the ability to visually plan, execute, and validate ablation procedures on a single system and all in 3D. Perfint understood that marketing to a sophisticated U.S. audience in the interventional oncology (IO) space would require a different approach than what had previously worked for them. They turned to Carroll’s team to develop the brand strategy, messaging and design for the launch of its new product. In the course of the discovery process, it was determined that the corporate brand and product architecture also needed to be addressed.
Though Carroll was initially engaged to develop the brand for Perfint’s new robotic positioning system, it became apparent through the discovery process that there were a number of related issues that needed to be addressed. The corporate tagline (Intelligent. Connected. Reliable) and logo (inspired by a firing neuron) were vague. Neither helped to position the company in the IO space or to communicate their interventional positioning and guidance expertise The name of its existing product, PIGA, created unfortunate associations that couldn’t be overlooked and its logo was inappropriate and inconsistent with the Perfint logo. The proposed name of their new product, Pyrobot, evoked images of fire-breathing robots. In addition, the company had made a practice of treating each clinical application of the product as an entirely new product, leading to a product roadmap that anticipated many more product names to follow. Through conversations with physicians who had tested the new product, it became clear that they saw great value in the imaging software that would allow them to plan their procedures in 3D. We recommended that the software be branded independent of the integrated system so that it could be sold separately as a training and pre-planning tool, in addition to its inclusion in the fully integrated system.
- Boldly claim leadership position in the new and emerging IO field
- Americanize the brand (develop the brand design and brand messaging to effectively compete in the U.S. market)
- Brand the software enabling them to market it as a training and pre-planning tool
- Develop a naming convention based on the IO convention: Pyrobot was renamed MAXIO; PIGA was renamed ROBIO; the navigational software was named NAVIOS
- Develop a new corporate logo and a tagline that positions Perfint as the leader in IO
- Develop naming extensions that identify models of each product
- Unite all products under one cohesive brand design